Answering Negative Questions is a challenging skill for some children. These 160 task cards ask negative questions in a wide variety of ways.
This activity is great for students who can be rote when answering questions, have slow processing speed, executive functioning challenges, language challenges, or just need practice thinking before speaking impulsively.
Given the wide range of topics and question styles, this activity is also fun to use in a lunch bunch group, snack group, social group, or as a warm up activity for the whole class.
Included Please Find: 105 Pages- Set 1: Name It~ 20 Task Cards Asking Children to Name Something
- Set 2: What~ 20 Task Cards Asking Children Negative "What" Questions
- Set 3: Why~ 20 Task Cards Asking Children Negative "Why" Questions
- Set 4: When~ 20 Task Cards Asking Children Negative "When" Questions
- Set 5: Who~ 20 Task Cards Asking Children Negative "Who" Questions
- Set 6: Where~ 20 Task Cards Asking Children Negative "Where" Questions
- Set 7: Which~ 20 Task Cards Asking Children Negative "Which" Questions
- Set 8: Pick One~ 20 Task Cards Asking Children Negative Questions Where They Pick The One That Doesn't Belong In The Group
Animated PowerPoint Version
This is the same set of cards but it is an animated and interactive PowerPoint slideshow. Students click to move to the next task card and then to advance to the next page. Great for distance learning!
Given a "wh" negative question (ex. "what don't you like to eat?"), STUDENT will provide a complete sentence response containing at least one reason why he/she does not like/prefer the person, place, or thing, in 4 of 5 opportunities, with 80% accuracy, by MONTH, YEAR.