Autism Social Skills - Behavior Card Visuals Self-Talk To Help with a Meltdown
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AUTISM: Autism Social Skills - Behavior Card Visuals Self-Talk To Help with a Meltdown
Many times our ASD kids may find it difficult to convey their feelings of frustration, which can lead to a full blown meltdown. Our special needs students who can read and may find the symbols system too "babyish", react better when real life images are used to portray feelings. This is not intended for the more complex learner, but for ASD students with higher level functioning skills, and even those who are gifted. Even the students in this more verbal category may have difficulty filtering out the "right" from the "wrong" when it comes to expressing their feelings to others. This 32 card set of Behavior Card Visuals, expresses the feelings for both boys and girls. Even with gender, ways of expressing anger or frustration may look a little different in real life. This activity was created for a student on my caseload who needed help "working through" this process. The cards have proven to be highly successful in controlling and de-escalating meltdowns in the self-contained and General Education classrooms.
Given picture cards depicting emotions, explanations, and solutions involved in a behavioral meltdown, STUDENT will read each card as needed as a means to resolving or decreasing the escalation of behavior, as measured per incident, in 4 out of 5 consecutive opportunities, by MONTH, YEAR.
Use as a teaching tool for:
*LANGUAGE: In a small group setting, or one-on-one, talk about how the boy and girl are feeling and what other solutions there may be.
*WRITING: Provide the student with a visual card and have him/her write about what might be bothering the child seen in the picture, or what kind of problem may have cause your student to have those emotions, too.
*BEHAVIOR: Review the cards before a meltdown even occurs. Explain to the student that he/she may use the cards, or read the cards, at any time. Give your student a set of cards, or store them in an easy access area.
I hope that these Behavior Card Visuals with Self-Talk help your students as much as it helped my student who is now thriving in the General Education classroom!
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Given picture cards depicting emotions, explanations, and solutions involved in a behavioral meltdown, STUDENT will read each card as needed as a means to resolving or decreasing the escalation of behavior, as measured per incident, in 4 out of 5 consecutive opportunities, by MONTH, YEAR.
This item is recommended for the following grade levels:
1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade