DAILY PICTURE SCHEDULES : Routines & Choices Set with 120 PECs Cards ... visual aide autism special education aac asd pdd
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The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) offers an alternative means of communication through the use of visuals. Parents and children are taught in stages how to initiate requests and develop more complex expressive language. PECS is often used with children that have a limited vocal repertoire and helps children increase interest in initiating communication and develop the means to communicate with others.
Includes assorted picture cards and charts to help establish various routines and aide in communication. Assembly is easy. Simply print and cut to size. To ensure longevity, I recommend printing on heavyweight card-stock and laminating with a 5 mm laminate. Affixing hook and loop Velcro keeps picture cards in there place.
120 PECS sized at 1.5 x 1.5
6 Schedule Charts (landscape & portrait) sized at 6.5 x 11
2 Now & Next Charts sized at 4.25 x 5.5
2 Routine Charts sized at 4.25 x 11
1 Choice Chart sized at 5.5 x 8.5
1 Choice Chart sized at 8.5 x 11
bathroom (3), brush teeth (2), clip nails, comb hair, dry body, dry hands, dry hair, floss, gargle, get a haircut, go to counselor, go to dentist, go to doctor, go to eye doctor, put on deodorant, put on lotion, put on sunscreen, shave, take a bath, take a shower, take medicine (3), wash hair, wash hands (3), put on clothes, put on glasses, put on jacket, put on pajamas, put on shoes, take off clothes, take off glasses, take off jacket, take off pajamas, take off shoes, use umbrella, wear raincoat, wear swimsuit, pack bookbag, unpack bookbag, babysitter, daycare, eat breakfast, eat lunch, eat dinner, eat a snack, eat a treat, exercise, get in car, get out car, go to sleep, home (2), religious service, wakeup, art, break time (2), color, do homework, field trip, get off bus, get on bus, lunchbox, music, no school, occupational therapy, paint, physical therapy, play with dough, read book, school, show and tell, speech therapy, sports. go bowling, go to library, go to movies, go to park, go to restaurant, go to store, go swimming, go to zoo, listen to music, party, play a game, play with friends, play with tablet, play video game, play with toys, ride bike, ride horse, use computer, watch TV, vacation, clean up, clear table, cook, do laundry, feed pets, make bed, load dishwasher, put away clothes, put away dishes, put in hamper, set table, take out trash, unload dishwasher, walk dog, water plants, wash dishes, wipe table, change activity, special activity, my choice.
Given a visual schedule to use throughout the day (morning, afternoon, evening), for both home and school, STUDENT will choose the next correct icon in the order it is listed and comply with the schedule, in 4 out of 5 consecutive opportunities, by MONTH, YEAR.
This item is recommended for the following grade levels:
PreK, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade