Identifying coin values and adding coins is an important life skill. These fun and functional worksheets will give your students lots of practice becoming very familiar and comfortable identifying and manipulating various coins.
Included please find: 162 PagesActivity 1
- Counting Coins: Directions
- Counting Pennies
- Counting Nickels
- Counting Dimes
- Counting Quarters
Activity 2
- Coin Toss: Directions
- Penny Toss
- Nickel Toss
- Dime Toss
- Quarter Toss
Activity 3
- Add It Up: Directions
- Add 2 Coin Combinations
- Add 3 Coin Combinations
- Add 4 Coin Combinations
Activity 4
* More Than/Less Than: Directions
* More Than Less Than Work Sheets
Activity 5
* Equivalent Coins Poster: Directions
* Equivalent Coins Posters (13 Posters)
Activity 6
* Make Your Own: Directions
* Make Your Own (10 Pages)
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Given counting strategies and pictures of U.S. coins, STUDENT will count, sort by value, and determine the value of each coin by writing or saying the correct response, with 80% accuracy, in 4 out of 5 opportunities, by MONTH, YEAR.