Teaching good Conversational Skills is so important. Use these supports to teach better speaking and listening skills. These visuals break down the "jobs" of each person and give an explanation of each job.
The jobs of the speaker are: Look, Speak, Notice
The jobs of the listener are: Stop, Look, Listen, Think, Respond
Review these jobs before engaging in group discussions. Great for social groups, friendship groups, lunch bunch, snack groups, therapy groups.
Discuss the importance of each job. As it becomes more automatic, the students are able to do the "jobs" with less prompting.
Included Please Find: 32 Pages
Invitation To The Teacher's Lounge {Free, Weekly Social Skills Resources}
- Color Visuals: Jobs Of Speaker
- Color Visuals: Jobs Of Listener
- Color Mini Visuals: Jobs of Speaker and Listener
- Color Bookmarks: Jobs of Speaker and Listener
- Black and White Visuals: Jobs Of Speaker
- Black and White Visuals: Jobs Of Listener
- Black and White Mini Visuals: Jobs of Speaker and Listener
- Black and White Bookmarks: Jobs of Speaker and Listener
Given visuals to remind STUDENT of rules as a communicator (speaker or listener), STUDENT will _________independently/with support use the rule cards during a conversation or verbal exchanges, with 80% accuracy, in 4 out of 5 opportunities, by MONTH, YEAR.