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Christmas Picture Comprehension “Task Box Filler Activities”
Christmas and Hanukkah Picture Comprehension task cards are best for independent work tasks, or one-on-one instruction and review for reading and comprehension skills.
WHAT ARE “Task Box Filler Activities”?
Our “Task Box Filler” sets are exactly what they sound like. With a variety of academic, language, and social skills available, each task card set fits neatly into a shoebox, plastic shoebox bin, or even large zipper bags. Each “Task Box Filler” set comes with suggested IEP goals and an interchangeable bin label! There are currently about 100 sets to choose from!
Depending upon your student’s reading skills, the general range would be from 2nd to 4th grade. If your students are a bit older but are accessing reading material at this grade level, then it would be appropriate for them, as well.
WHAT’S INCLUDED WITH THIS Holiday Picture Comprehension “Task Box Filler”?
You’ll find the following:
· 40 Picture Comprehension Task Cards (mostly Christmas, with a limited number of Hanukkah task cards)
Given a picture of a familiar person, place, or thing, STUDENT will use prior knowledge to answer three "Wh" questions related to the topic, by marking, pointing to, or provide responses on a voice output device, with 80% accuracy, in 4 out of 5 opportunities, by MONTH, YEAR.
CAN I SHARE THIS Holiday Picture Comprehension “Task Box Filler” with my staff or other teachers?
None of our activities can be shared with other staff members due to copyright laws and licensing rules. You CAN suggest that they purchase their very own “Task Box Filler” set, or you may purchase an additional license for them.
**Please see all copyright and licensing rules included with each product.
If you EVER have ANY questions about this, or any of my products, please feel welcome to contact me at: DSinger@AutismEducators.com.
Thanks so much and enjoy!
Autism Educators, Inc. © 2012-2025