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This Christopher Columbus unit contains around 70 pages total with adapted text and activities. This unit is designed for students with intellectual disabilities and autism but can be used in general education elementary grades or ELL.
This unit addresses what Christopher Columbus’ idea was, what he had to do, and what happened because of his voyage. Through this unit students will make connections between asking for help, traveling, and waiting as Columbus did.
This unit provides opportunities for repetition in the classroom, which is essential for students with intellectual disabilities, as well as the use of visuals.
There are three versions of the text (Levels 1-3). Level 3 is the longest version of the text. Level 2 is a shorter version of the Level 3 text. Level 1 is a shorter version of the Level 3 text but contains pictures in the text to assist students who learn more visually. All books have large print and numbered pages.
This Unit Includes: 3 versions of text, text comprehension questions (Level 3 version), 15+ activities, and 3 versions of an assessment test.
Activities included: Vocabulary Word Wall matching, Vocabulary definitions, Word Search, Order arrangement, Cut and paste activities and more.
Also included: Unit Implementation Suggestions and a Suggested Unit Plan for 10 or 5 days.
***Feedback is always welcome!!***
If you have any questions, or would like to report any errors feel free to contact me through email at: accesslearning123@gmail.com
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