Match CVC nouns and pictures to the matching word to demonstrate word recognition aligned with academic standards for students with autism, early reading intervention, speech therapy, home-based school, and students with special learning needs in the area of early reading skills.What is included with this READ and MATCH CVC NOUNS “Task Box Filler”?· 28 Task Cards for Reading· 28 Vocabulary Word Ca...
Grade Levels: Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade
IEP Goals: 1: Given a picture of a person, place, or thing and a CVC word (consonant-vowel-consonant), STUDENT will mark, say, or match the same word to demonstrate word recognition, with 80% accuracy, in 4 out of 5 opportunities, by MONTH, YEAR.
2: Given a picture of a person, place, or thing and a CVC word (consonant-vowel-consonant) and two word choice responses, STUDENT will provide a response by pointing to, saying, marking, or matching the noun when asked, ?Which word says_________??, with 80% accuracy, in 4 out of 5 opportunities, by MONTH, YEAR.