Some children have a difficult time knowing how to handle being teased by others. SOCIAL STORIES are a great way to teach children important social skills that they may be struggling with.
Social stories break down information into small, explicit steps so that children can more easily undertand what they should and should not do in a particular social situation.
This social story will help the child who is being TEASED. It discusses appropriate strategies for handling teasing. The story is also helpful to read to children who may be teasing others. It discusses how teasing is hurtful to others and the difference between JOKING and TEASING.
Included, please find: 56 Pages
- Social Story: Color story great for keeping in your classroom for years to come
- Visual: No Tease Poster
- Coloring Book Companion: Great for kids to color as you read and/or to send home for generalization
Skill Builder Activity 1:
- Strategies Comprehension Worksheet
Skill Builder Activity 2:
- Worksheets: Is It Joking or Is It Teasing?
- Social Story "Mini" Version {1/4 page story pages, black and white}. Great for kids to keep in their desks or in a binder. Also good to keep in a "calm down" spot in your classroom.
Animated PowerPoint Version of Story
Given a social story and follow-up activities related to teasing; the consequences and emotional impact it may have on others (peers), STUDENT will retell the story by stating at least two ways to deal with being teased/two responses or reactions to being teased, in 4 out of 5 opportunities, based upon teacher observation and recording of responses, by MONTH, YEAR.