Does your student have an IEP goal for independent work task completion? Well, THIS phonics with beginning letter sounds, tracing fine motor skills, and counting to 20 IEP Goal Skill Builder set for Special Education works like magic! You will see your students complete an academic work task with a greater level of independence by following a set of visual directions! This no prep Phonics an...
Grade Levels: Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade
IEP Goals: By (IEP end date), given a repetitive set of 4 visual directions (color, count, circle, trace), STUDENT will independently (or with ___# of prompts) complete the work task, with 80% accuracy, in 4 out of 5 opportunities, as documented by the teacher.
By (IEP end date), given a picture of a familiar object to color with a visual guide (and up to #___ of prompts), STUDENT will select the color crayon shown to color the line drawing, as documented by teacher observation.
By (IEP end date), given a specific lowercase letter of the alphabet, STUDENT will mark all of the same letters by drawing a circle around the letters, with 80% accuracy, in 4 out of 5 opportunities, as documented by teacher/therapist.
By (IEP end date), given a 3 to 4 letter lowercase noun to trace, STUDENT will trace the words to increase letter formation knowledge, as documented by teacher/therapist.
By (IEP end date), given up to 20 objects to count in a line or array, STUDENT will demonstrate one-to-one correspondence by counting ?how many?? to select the correct total out of a field of three number choices, as documented by teacher/therapist.