Functional Skills: Living Room Vocabulary Games
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This packet has
printables for playing “Bingo”, “Matching”, and “I have __, Who has __?” games.
There are 32 different vocabulary words & pictures that are commonly
found in living rooms.
This packet offers various levels to differentiate the games to challenge
all students at their ability levels.
Bingo can be played at least 9 different ways with the different Bingo cards
and calling cards.
Matching can be played 6 different ways when using the calling cards. You can
use the same set of cards or you use 2 different calling cards (e.g. cards with
only pictures match the cards with only words.) Matching can also be played by passing out one set of cards and having a person call out the second set. This is similar to all three games. For instance, the teacher holds up the clock card
and says “This is a clock. Who (else) has a clock?” while students
search the cards. When the student with the clock finds their card, they can say “I have the toothbrush.” Great speech practice activity for small groups!
I have __, Who has ___? is endless has it does not have a built in ending. Any
card can start the game.
Included are yes/no cards to use as prompts for students as needed.
See: Functional Skills: Bathroom Vocabulary Games
Sets Coming Soon: Kitchen, Dining Room, Bedroom, Outside
Given activities (BINGO, matching, picture/word labels) related to a life skill, STUDENT will complete the activities with 80% accuracy, in 4 out of 5 opportunities, by MONTH, YEAR.
This item is recommended for the following grade levels:
PreK, Kindergarten, 1st Grade