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Home To School & School To Home Communication Log With Symbols Combo Pack!
15 Different Pages!
Three Different Sets For both Home-To-School AND School-To-Home Communication!
★ ONE PAGE VERSIONS (Shorter time to complete, compacted to one page each for both Home-To-School AND School-To-Home Communication! )
★ FIVE PAGE VERSIONS (Longer conversation and more options on topics! Five pages PACKED with picture symbols for longer versions of both Home-To-School AND School-To-Home Communication!)
★ WRITING PAGE (Written words without using the picture prompts. One page each for simple written options for both Home-To-School AND School-To-Home Communication!
★ HELPER PAGE! (Suggestions for usage included!)
Choose the version which fits your needs. All versions have both ‘School Report’ and ‘Home Report’ options! As with most educational materials: before using them, discuss & explain with both the students and the families how these Communication Pages can work!
These Daily Home Communication Sheets Work Great for Special Education Students!
Do you work with students who may have difficulty communicating verbally, but who do much better when picture symbols are used? Are you looking for ways to increase communication situations between your classroom and the student's home and family?
These very specially designed pages offer options for ways toallow your students who practice communication using the functional real life theme of their daily routines! Families will now have a way for their children who had difficulty communicating to share what happened in school!
These special communication pages are designed for your child to have a special way to communicate about what happened at home to be shared at school, and another whole set to communicate about what happened at school to be shared at home!
HOME TO SCHOOL: Families spend time with their child doing their communication ‘homework’ of checking appropriate pictures(directions to families are at the top of the pages). The school staff spends sharing communication time with the student the next day. The student participates in the communication to the best of their abilities with the checked items helping to focus their answers and reminding them of the home activities they are reporting.
SCHOOL TO HOME: Works the same way but it is designed to be sent in the other direction. The school staff assists the student in completing their daily sharing report which is sent home for a sharing communication time at home with family.
SOME of the Topics covered in these materials:
★ At School I ate...
★ At School I drank..
★ Classes I had at school were ...
★ School jobs and things I did were....
★ At Home I Ate...
★ Routines I did at home were...
Just laminate the pages and check off the symbol box with dry erase marker or dark crayon to re-use the same pages over and over!
EXTRA: Includes a HELPER PAGE to give you information on how to use these pages!
Communicate with your students in school and CARRY-OVER the communication with families at home! Simple Check The Box Design!Laminate and re-use again!
Students in specialized education often benefit from the natural communication that comes during “sharing time”. Common questions asked of all students in classroom sharing time might be "What did you have for dinner?" "Where did you go over the weekend?" "Who did you see last night?" Students with limited vocal communication and/or other disabilities may have difficulty participating in such an activity on their own. These Home Carryover Communication Sharing SpeechPages are themed for both expressing messages about Home to send to School and about School to send to Home.
PACKED WITH PICTURE SYMBOLS! Many of the pages have between36-38 SpeechPage® Brand symbols covering a wide variety of possible answers! This colorful high-quality set contains pages covering most of the common school-day and home time topic themes used in a special education, K, and many elementary and even high school classroom settings!
EXTRA FEATURE: Each page has a "note to families" to help explain how these pages work and how they can benefit their child's communication! These is a cover page on each of the two"long-versions" with extra family information! A disclaimer is also printed on each page as well!
*This set was designed AND ILLUSTRATED by DonD'Amore MA CCC-SLP, an Award Winning Speech Language Pathologistw ho has been making customized individual school schedules for large numbers of students in special needs classrooms (including many students with autism SD) for more than 20 years! Don has also professionally presented on topics of communication to educators at conferences throughout his career. *
These are not generic clip arts. These visual materials are personally illustrated and designed by an experienced Speech Language Pathologist that has been making visual materials for many years fora large number of students with autism as well as for students with other special needs.
Don D’Amore’s AutismEducators Store has many great hands-on learning as well as visual strategies for classroom management downloads!
LINK: PROBLEMSOLVING ILLUSTRATED! MEGA COMBO! 240 Cards! 170 Pages! Problems &WH Questions!
OTHER SETS From Don D’Amore AU EDStore that you may be interested in:
MORNINGCIRCLE BINDER KIT! Interactive Calendar Discussion Activities!-
COLORS!Teach 10 Different Colors! 160 Cards and 42 LearningPages!----
ALL on Don D'Amore's AU ED Store!
★ Follow SpeechPageon FACEBOOK For info on my latest Free Downloads, Sales and NewProducts!!
By downloading a Don D'Amore's Store file, you are agreeing to the following license terms: Don D'Amore Store & SpeechPage.com Publishing Co. owns and retains the copyright on each file. Your download entitles you to one non-exclusive license to use the unaltered file for non-commercial, non-profit purposes in one room only. If you intend to use the file in multiple rooms, you must purchase one copy for each room. Your license does not authorize you to re-sell or otherwise use the file for profit in any way; to alter the file in any way; to create derivative works based on the file; or to post or distribute the file on your website, through email, on message boards, or in printed copy, except that your license authorizes you to distribute printed copies to students in one room.It is the sole responsibility of the consumer to determine the suitability or appropriateness of products/downloads from us in their particular application, and the consumer assumes all liability and risk associated with their use. We offer no guarantees, expressed or implied, as to the reliability or effectiveness of products or the content of this site. We expressly disclaims all warranties not stated in this limited warranty.
KEY WORDS: school to home log, school to home communication, school to home daily correspondence, home to school log, home to school communication, home to school daily correspondence, school communication carryover to home, home communication, illustrated carryover communication, picture communication pages, communication symbols for home carryover, special needs school to home, autism school to home log, special needs home to school, autism home to school log
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