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Teachers, therapists, counselors and staff members who provide services for students, may visit your classroom throughout the day. I have always posted discrete signs on my classroom door for both student safety (for example, in cases of possible elopement), as well as to prevent disruption to my students’ routine. The teacher resource signs have worked like a charm! Staff members enter quietly, wait for my signal when necessary, and walk directly to see me instead of interrupting my amazing assistant who may be working with a student.
This set contains 16 door POSTERS (8.5” x 11”), along with 16 door MESSAGES (4.5” x 5”). There are 38 (4.5” x 5”) Strategy Reminder cards to place in areas where a staff member or substitute may be interacting with a student (center station, one-on-one work area, etc.). These Strategy Reminder cards provide helpful tips on how to respond to situations and strategies to implement to provide the best learning environment for each student.
***If there is a specific sign that is not included and if the message may benefit other teachers, please let us know.
Door Signs with a discrete message to alert school staff (classroom visitors) of instructions on how to enter the classroom. All of these signs come in the sizes described above.
· Please knock and enter quietly. (2 versions)
· Please ring bell and enter quietly.
· Please call teacher before entering. (walkie talkie)
· Calming strategies in effect. (Please do not enter at this time.)
· Observation in progress. (Please do not enter at this time.)
· Student Therapy in Progress (Please do not disturb)
· Teacher Conference (Please do not disturb.)
· Authorized Assistance Requested (Administration or Authorized Staff)
· Please pull door shut for elopement risk. (Thank you.)
· Please wait for signal to enter classroom. (Thank you.)
· Student intervention occurring. Please do not enter classroom. (If urgent, please email teacher.)
· Please knock. Wait patiently. (We will come get you as soon as we can.)
· Student testing. Do not disturb. (Thank you.)
· Physical movement occurring within classroom. Please do not enter. (Thank you.)
· Please enter and walk directly to the teacher.
STRATEGY REMINDER CARDS (for Adult Assisted Centers/Substitutes):
· General Conduct (yellow font - 16)
· Communication (blue font - 10)
· Sensory Awareness (green font - 6)
· Interaction with Students (orange font - 10)
· Collaborating with Staff (pink font -9)
· Emotional Support (purple font - 3)
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m Educators, Inc. (AutismEducators.com). All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original purchaser only. Copying for more than one teacher or classroom, or for an entire department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view, uploaded to school or district websites, distributed via email, or submitted to file sharing sites. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Intended for single classroom and personal use only. You agree not to modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, transfer, create derivate work from, sell or re-sell any content or information obtained from or through AutismEducators.com or any other selling platform where our products are listed or sold. ALL WORKS CREATED BY AUTISM EDUCATORS, INC., is material in that we hold the copyright or trademark. All parties intentionally or unintentionally copying, sharing, or manipulating in any manner will be held responsible. Copying of this resource by idea, contents, or name is prohibited.
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